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The village, the city and the beach

After spending some time rearranging my units hier at ECU, I finally got set up hear in Perth.

Today we went to the city again and visited Cottesloe beach later on.

Looking forward to the weekend. Hopefully something interesting is going on.

Swan Valley

What do think about a free trip down to Swan Valley including a Barbeque? Doesn't sound so bad!

So we went down today and also visited a Wildlife Park including some Kangaroo and Koala watching.

There are a bunch of shops in Swan Valley where u can do some free tastings ... Yummi!

Toga night and North Bridge

Yesterday there was a Toga night at our village. Basically you had to wear a sheet to get some free sandwiches and drinks ... :-)

We had some vine and cheese afterward and went to North Bridge later on.

Quite funny night.

Rottnest Island

Today we took the ferry from Fremantle to Rottnest Island to spend the day over there.

It is a small island with about 11 km length and it looks similar to a Greece island.

We rented bikes and were traveling around the island for almost the whole day.

Luckily we found some nice spots on the beach to cool down for a little bit ...


Perth, beach, orientation and Fremantle

I had some time this week to check out the city of Perth and its neighborhoods. The city itself is actually quite small and most of the interesting sights are along two main streets.

I went back to Cottesloe beach twice this week. The temperature of the ocean is perfect and even on the weekend there are not so many people there.

On Thursday was orientation day and we were able to collect some free stuff.

Sunday we went to Fremantle which is a small city just at the end of Perth.

BBQ, the beach and Good Vibrations

Last Friday was a BBQ at the ECU Student Village for all new residents in the village.
Except the fact that they shut the party down at 7PM, it was quite nice :-)

Saturday I went to the beach at cottesloe which is really nice. The water from the ocean is so warm, similar to fesh water lakes back home in Austria.
But don't forget a sun screen because the sun is very dangerous!

On Sunday there as the Good Vibrations music festival in Perth. I didn't know many bands there but the festival was quite fine and I saw "Phoenix" at the end.


Welcome to Perth

After a short, 20 hours, flight from Munich over Dubai to Perth, I finally reached the ECU student village at about 7 PM.

This place will be my accommodation till the end of the semester (middle of June?) and it looks actually quite nice.

The building is brand new and we have a (small) swimming pool between the different houses.

Today I went to the city to open a bank account.

Unfortunatelly I failled in getting a sim card for my mobile phone, but I hopefully can do this tomorrow.

Took some pictures from town and the city ....


The semester at the University of Upper Austria in Hagenberg is done and in couple of days I am gonna be in Australia.
